Selecting the right school

We focus on your child – as a unique human individual

Catholic Schools offer an appropriate educational profile for every child. We’re specialized in working with children who need extra attention, ensuring they don’t get lost in the group. We can attend to each child individually thanks to our broad spectrum of specialized support programmes, which offer complex solutions, which address all aspects of life.


How to identify good schools? What deserves special attention?


  • Reputation of the school, references
  • Personal interview with the academic management team of school
  • Visit, visit a lesson, trial attendance
  • Contract conditions
  • Compare a number of schools

Important questions when selecting a school

  • How long has the school been operating? It’s helpful if even a relatively new school can demonstrate a few successful graduation cohorts.
  • Is there information on success quotas and similar statistical details? Are references available?
  • Is the school well known? Does the school have a good reputation? (If necessary, inquire at the cantonal education office)
  • Are the certifications recognised? Is there a possibility of transition to further education opportunities?
  • Is there information on the qualifications of the teaching staff?
  • What body is responsible for the school? What is the legal status of the school? Is there information regarding the school’s financial status? Is the operation of the school guaranteed for the duration of the education?
  • Is the school connected to an association? Is it in a network?
  • What is your personal impression of the rooms, infrastructure and atmosphere?

Our tips

  • Visit the school. Most schools offer information evenings, or Open Days – good opportunities to get a first impression.
  • Seek a personal interview with the academic management team of the school.
  • If possible, arrange a trial visit. This gives the child a chance to find out if the school selected is a good fit for him or her.

Review the contractual conditions. Are all points comprehensible? Are the details on admission, start and duration of the education, type (and recognition) of school leaving certification, subjects, syllabus, teaching approach and times, number of lessons, costs (including additional costs) included?